Monday, January 16, 2012


I’ve just spent the last few days remembering my first detached retina in 2008. It was a harrowing experience, but the awfulness of the experience soon faded from my consciousness. Then just before Christmas 2011, my right eye developed symptoms.

It wouldn’t dare! I thought, but just to be on the safe side I went back to my retina specialist as soon as his office opened after the holiday.

“You have another detached retina,” he said. “Do you have someone here to drive you home? We’ll repair it now, just like we did before.”

Well, of course I didn’t have a driver. That would have been admitting that I might really have a problem. So once again I had to call a daughter to come and chauffeur me home. And once again I got fussed at for not telling my daughters that I was having a problem. (I think that’s why grandparents and teens get along so well; we’re both always in trouble with the same parents.)

I’d forgotten about the foot-long (or so it seemed) hypodermic needle, the frozen face afterwards and the deep eye pain. But soon I remembered it all. And once again I lived through it.

My writing was interrupted for a while as were other pleasant routines of my life, but finally I was nearing the end. I’m even almost finished with my steroid drops. Once again I have my sight restored and am feeling grateful. This time because I only have TWO eyes!

Hugs to all my reader and writer friends,



Jackie King said...

I know my reader friends are sick of hearing about this detached retina stuff, and I apologize. But I have been so obsessed with the problem that I had to get it off my chest.

Tomorrow I'll have my thoughts on Sue Grafton's latest mystery, V IS FOR VENGEANCE.

Joe Perkind said...

Glad you are doing better. If your readers get sick of hearing about your retina they don't have to open it. I wanted to know!

Now on to your next adventure!

Jean Henry Mead said...

Jackie, luv, I'm so sorry about your eye problem and I'm glad that you're getting better so that you can write more of your excellent mysteries.


Jackie King said...

Joe, Your comment means a lot to me. Thanks so much!

Jackie King said...

Thanks, Jean. It's been an unpleasant trip, but I think I'm about to the end. Two more days of a single cortizone drop, and my meds are at an end.

Like anything else, after it's all behind me, I feel a little embarrassed that I made such a fuss. But folks have been very kind.

Jackie King said...

Readers, Yesterday I was supposed to post a reveiw of Sue Grafton's new book, but a bunch of stuff (Okie speak) came up, so I'm offering my apologies. I'll try to manage that today, if possible.
Hugs to all,